The town of St. Katherine is in the Sinai peninsula in Egypt at an elevation of about 1600 meters from sea level, at the foot of the Sinai High Mountains. Up to a thousand visitors come to visit St. Katherine’s Monastery, the oldest continuously inhabited monastery in the World built on the site where Moses (Prophet Musa) talked to God in the miracle of the Burning Bush, and to climb Mt. Sinai (the Biblical Mt. Horeb, known locally as Jebel Musa) where Moses has received the Ten Commandments.

The Environment without Borders Foundation (EWBF) with support from the "In Country Micro Project Scheme (Irish Aid) at The Embassy of Ireland in Cairo" has implemented a community based-results project entitled " improving the economic and social conditions of Bedouins at St. Katherine, Egypt".

The local Bedouin women are famous of their traditional handcraft products that reflects their rich culture and heritage. We encourage you to buy from this unique selection of authentic products to support the local women and enjoy a quality product!